Permanent Staff
PI: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Julien Orts
Julien Orts studied Physics and Biophysics and graduated in 2010 jointly from the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory under the guidance of Prof. Carlogmano and Prof. Griesinger. Julien joined the BioNMR laboratory at the ETH Zurich led by Prof. Riek, first as a post-doc and then as a junior group leader. Since 2021 he is an Assistant Professor at the University of Vienna in the Division of Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
Senior scientist: Dr. Jiří Mareš
Completing my masters in Biochemistry (University of Chemistry and Technology Prague), PhD in structural biology using NMR (University of Zurich, Prof. Oliver Zerbe), postdoc periods at the University of Oulu in computational/theoretical NMR (Prof. Juha Vaara), medical MRI (Ass. Prof Timo Liimatainen), experimental NMR (Prof. Ville-Veikko Telkki), I have knowledge in these fields, with particular expertise in:
NMR modeling and interpretation using spin dynamics (for spectra simulation, chemical exchange effects, NMR relaxation), molecular modeling including (polarizable) forcefield development, quantum chemistry to obtain e.g. chemical shifts including paramagnetic effects, J-couplings, hyperfine couplings.
I use Python to implement custom tasks in these fields.
In the BioNMR research group of Ass. Prof. Julien Orts, my tasks range from measurements to interpretations, whereas my engagement in wet-lab biochemistry tasks is currently negligible.
CV (pdf)
Postdoctoral researchers
Dr. Micael S. Silva
Since June 2024, Micael S. Silva has been a Postdoctoral Researcher in Prof. Julien Orts' group at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Vienna. He has been previously abroad in Dr. Rina Rosenzweig's group, working on chaperone interactions with substrates using advanced NMR techniques at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. In December 2021, MS received a PhD in Molecular Biosciences guided by Prof. Eurico Cabrita from NOVA University of Lisbon, focusing on protein stability and thermodynamics by NMR and other biophysical techniques using salts and ionic liquids. He graduated from the same university with a biochemistry and bioorganic chemistry degree. He founded the Young Portuguese Biophysicists - an affiliated group of the Portuguese Biophysics Society.
PhD Students
Guneet Singh Tarang
Guneet Singh Tarang joined the group as a PhD student in October 2023. He completed his master's degree at IISER Pune, India, with a focus on molecular life sciences. His research leverages innovative NMR techniques developed within the group to investigate the thermodynamic stability of proteins, using the WW domain as a model system. Through this work, Guneet aims to achieve an atomic-level understanding of the interactions that underpin protein stability.
Florian Wolf
Florian Wolf
Master Students
Verena Mimmler
Verena Mimmler is a Master Student at the University of Vienna, she is currently doing her Master thesis in Bio-NMR.
Colin Schmoll
Colin Schmoll
Matthias Bütikofer
Matthias Bütikofer
Located at ETH Zurich
Athanasios Rentis
Semester Student November/December 2022
Janina Kaderli
Janina Kaderli
Former PhD student at ETHZ Zurich
Aditya Pokharna
Aditya Pokharna
Former PhD student at ETH Zurich
Maja Avramovic
Former Master Student
Sofia Pjevac
Project assistant from March 2022 to June 2022
Mikulas Klenor
Erasmus Intern March 2022 to August 2022
Elif Sıla Erciyas
Elif Sıla Erciyas
Erasmus Intern, June 2022 to September 2022
Pia Gartlgruber
Semester student in August/September 2022